Hysterical Headlines (Funny or Absurd) for January 29th

Hysterical Headlines (Funny or Absurd) for January 29th   

Bottom Line: These are the daily doses of nonsense in the media and my hot takes on them... 

Excerpt: Here is a guide for immigrants and residents, including the undocumented on how to know and exercise your constitutional rights if you are stopped by immigration authorities. These tips could get you out of trouble in emergencies. 

Hot Take: The Miami Herald is far from the first media outlet that's attempting to aid an abate federal criminals - they're just the most recent but the fact remains. If you're familiar with my stance and thoughts on illegal immigration you'll know that I'm not a hard liner. I take the view that for a myriad of reasons, most political, we've not adequately enforced our immigration laws for decades. As a result, there are millions of people who've taken advantage of the opportunity and have roots. For that reason, I support comprehensive reform that provides a path to legitimization without having to leave the country under certain circumstances. That being said our laws are still our laws and they shouldn't be willfully circumvented going forward. Otherwise we'll never have solutions to these issues. We're either a country of laws or we're not.  

For media outlets that pretend to be providing news, no less, to openly attempt to help those who choose to circumvent them, is indefensible and reprehensible. Here's the legal definition of "accessory".  "An accessory is a person who assists in the commission of a crime, but who does not actually participate in the commission of the crime as a joint principal. 

Now you tell me...what role is this playing...once again: Here is a guide for immigrants and residents, including the undocumented on how to know and exercise your constitutional rights if you are stopped by immigration authorities. These tips could get you out of trouble in emergencies. 

Hot take: This is actually a sadly funny piece breaking down the bat crap craziness of what's happened at CNN in just the last week. And just to illustrate the latest point... 

Excerpt: One FBI lawyer texted an FBI agent with an apparent joke about a "secret society" and Republicans went crazy. By which I mean, crazier than usual. The problem is that in doing so they have implicitly enforced a set of rules some Republicans themselves frequently, flagrantly violate. 

Hot take: Ahh, yes once again it's all just one big joke. Gosh don't people have a sense of humor? It's almost like these two didn't fix the Clinton investigation. It's not like they did anything like run counter-intelligence, incorporated a faked dossier paid for by the person they fixed the investigation for and participated in the investigation of the President based on the faked information. That's all just crazy talk. Just like the IRS targeting conservative groups right? This is CNN. Also known as a permanent altered state of reality.  

Until Tomorrow...    

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