Ask and you shall receive – It's the best time to get a raise

Ask and you shall receive – It's the best time in a generation to get a raise 

Bottom Line: The bad news. Most Americans aren't happy with their compensation. The good news. Most Americans who ask for a raise get it. This according to the latest study from Career Builder. Specifically, here are the findings... 

  • 65% of employees aren't happy with their level of compensation 

  • 66% of employees who've asked for a raise in 2018 have received one 

Obviously, the specifics of one's situation, company, industry, etc. Factor into the timing and viability of a raise but it's clear that many folks who feel they should earn more probably can get it if they make the case. Here's another telling number. 56% of employees have never asked for a raise. The good news if you're in the camp feeling underpaid but not having made the case previously is the timing. The US economy is the best it's been in anywhere from 12 to 32 years based on what economic data you look at and most companies have benefitted. That's as opportune a time to make your case as any which is why asking is proving to be highly effective for those who haven't already received a raise.  

The key, as always, is how effectively you can make your case – especially if you know your "market value". You don't want to threaten your existing employer by any means but the cost of replacing you would almost certainly be more expensive for your employer than paying you fair value. A smart employer would know this which is likely a primary reason why asking is working so well.  

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