Life’s Good. Just don’t expect to hear about it in the news

Life’s Good. Just don’t expect to hear about it in the news 

Bottom Line: Last year Glenn Beck released a book titled: Addicted to Outrage. That title pretty much hits the mark for our society today. News media hammers home negative stories. They’re tossed around endlessly on social media. People argue what/who’s to blame. Wash and repeat. But here’s the thing and it’s always been a thing...yes, government at every level matters to you. But, in the day-to-day, how much does the latest story that makes you mad really mean to you?  

As I frequently say there are two sides to stories and one side to facts. Among the facts of the day... We have the best economy in a generation and record low or near record low unemployment for just about every demographic. In other words, odds are, life’s pretty good. And guess what, get away from the noise of the day and we’re saying it. 

Gallup just wrapped up research on American’s view of the quality of life. According to their study:  

  • 77% are satisfied with their quality of life 
  • 73% of Americans say they’re better off than a year ago 
  • 65% believe they can get ahead with hard work 

The combination of these factors is the best they’ve been since around 2005. That makes sense too because it’s the last time we had an economy that grew at over 3%. So, if you’re frustrated with news not equaling reality, you’re not alone but where it matters most, we’re getting that it’s pretty good these days.

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