Most conservative and liberal states for 2019 - The states trending left

Most conservative and liberal states for 2019 - The states trending left

Bottom Line: Yesterday I brought you the most conservative and liberal states for 2019. It told a story that clearly painted the picture of a country that’s without a doubt center-right.That being said the,AOC’s of the world haven’t suddenly happened onto the scene because there isn’t an undercurrent of deep liberalism that’s pervasive in elements in our society. That’s evidenced as we look at the way states have been trending. For this two-part story I’m using a two-year look at how state partisanship has been trending. This is a look at trends in states between 2016 to 2018. 

Trending more liberal: 27

That’s a lot of states that have liberals adding to their ranks in greater numbers than conservatives. Like the conservative trending group of states there are states of all types here. Of the states trending more liberal over the past two years, 14 were states that President Trump won, with 13 being traditional blue states moving further left. If these trends continue, the states with the most significant 2020 implications are... 

Iowa, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. President Trump carried all of those states in 2016. 

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