Surprise! The best coaches are among the harshest coaches

Surprise! The best coaches are among the harshest coaches

Bottom Line: In all but the touchy-feely realms of society – the everyone gets a trophy mentality has become a joke. Ironically, just this past weekend Ashley’s nephews, now in college, were joking about how different college athletics are compared to the “everyone gets a participation ribbon” high-school sports they played in SoCal. Along those same lines, if you played sports or something highly competitive in school, think back to the coaches and/or teachers that made the biggest impact on you. Did they make you feel good or did they challenge you?

I can’t even remember the names of most of my coaches looking back. The first two that come to mind though – my debate coach and one from a regional championship baseball team. What did they have in common? They successfully challenged us/me. That coincides with a new study showing that harsh – challenging - coaches generally produce the best results.

A Cal Berkeley study of more than 300 speeches across 23 high school and college basketball teams measured halftime speeches across these characteristics...The positive approach...pleased, relaxed, inspired, excited to the more critical approach...disgusted, angry, frustrated and afraid. Which do you think generally resulted in improved second half performances? Hint – it's wasn’t the warm and fluffy stuff. The generally more negative and critical speeches consistently corresponded with better outcomes. If the speech turned angry – there was a connection worse player performance – otherwise the critical, challenging speeches and coaches netted superior results from their players. 

Think about the top coaches in sports. When was the last time Bill Belichick smiled? But do you want to feel better about losing or do you want to win? There’s a life lesson in here. There’s plenty of evidence in sports and aside from it in the real world, that adversity and being challenged to grow and improve leads to better results with the inverse being true. The “participation trophy” crowd only set up future generations for less success and now we’re seeing scientific proof of it quite literally playing out. 

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