For your kids – A big reason to hold off on dating

For your kids – A big reason to hold off on dating

Bottom Line: I’m convinced that the reason Ashley and I weren’t able to have kids is due to the very real possibility of me becoming a bubble dad. By that I mean I might have contemplated putting my kids in a bubble and leaving them there until they’re at least 21. And I’m only mostly kidding. Among the many fears I have– dating. It’s because of what I did, lived and know kids to do along with what’s become the new norms in society – which fosters about everything but decency.If you’re a nervous parent who wants to appeal to the pragmatic side of your kids. Here’s a reason for them not to start dating too young.

Teens who don’t date until after the age of 17 have better social skills, are happier generally and are far less likely to become depressed. This according to researchers from the University of Georgia. The researchers compared kids between the ages of 15 to 17 from a mix of ethnic and socioeconomic backgrounds and found these commonalities held generally true regardless of those circumstances.The study was published in the Journal of School Health and provides the most compelling reasons to have your kids slow their roll to date. 

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