Q&A of the Day – Florida voter fraud & duplicate college voters - Part 2

Q&A of the Day – Florida voter fraud & duplicate voters on college campuses – Part 2

Bottom Line: As recently as 2012 the Pew Research Center discovered 2.75 million duplicate voters registered across the country. That was the impetus behind the creation of the Electronic Registration Information Center which Florida is set to join.

The college population accounts for about 7.6% of the total adult population that’s eligible to vote. They’re 25% less likely to vote than the average adult. Using that information, there are an estimated 156,000 college students who’re registered to vote in multiple locations. Again, that doesn’t mean there’s anywhere near that type of fraud taking place, but rather the opportunity for it to potentially occur. Again, this is why ERIC is such a useful and important resource heading into the 2020 election cycle. 

Last year, with only 19 states and DC participating at the time, just over 2.6 million voter records were corrected. That included 2.3 million people who had moved, more than 177,000 voters registered in multiple states, and over 37,000 deceased voters removed from rolls. 

It’s rapidly growing, as more states have realized the need for this type of information to sure up voter rolls and to help prevent potential voter fraud. With ERIC in place, every federal election cycle we’ll be contacted to confirm that we are still active voters with current information on file with the state. It’s necessary due diligence on back of what we’ve seen across the country but nowhere is its need more obvious than right here in Broward and Palm Beach Counties.

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