Florida's recap – Highlights from around the state – December 5th

Florida's recap – Highlights from around the state – December 5th

Bottom Line: Your daily recap of the some of the biggest news from around the state that impacts you in South Florida.

  • Florida’s First Lady Casey DeSantis launched a new campaign designed to reduce substance abuse with teens. The campaign called “The Facts. Your Future”, calls on middle and high school students to submit videos supporting a substance abuse free commitment. Two of the hot buttons are vaping and opioids. Winning videos will win cash prizes of $1,000, $2,500 and $5,000.
  • Former Obama administration AG Eric Holder’s National Democratic Redistricting Committee announced it would target Florida’s maps following the 2020 Census. This comes on back of their successful effort in challenging Virginia’s district maps which played a role in Democrats regaining control statewide.
  • After this week’s report from the American Railroad Association showed Brightline to be the deadliest railroad in the country, CEO Patrick Goddard announced they’re evaluating additional plans to reduce future issues as part of their “Operation Lifesaver Florida”. He also stated that investigators have ruled 75% of deaths to be suicide which is above the national average of 62%.
  • A new study on sea level rise shows South Florida has experienced a three-inch increase since 1992 and is projecting an additional five inches over the next 40 years. Projections have historically been inaccurate but the three-inch increase since 1992 does jibe with the NOAA monitor at the Lake Worth Beach pier showing a 6+inch increase over the past fifty or so years.

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