What’s your biggest nightmare?

What’s your biggest nightmare?

Bottom line: For me, and it’s not even close right now, it’d be any of the Democrats running for president winning. Thankfully I do think that’s little more than a dream currently. In terms of actual nightmares that don’t include redistribution of what you’ve worked for,to those who do nothing – we have a study that’s determined the type of nightmares we most commonly fear. A study of 2,000 people by Amerisleep found that our most common nightmare is...

Falling. About 65% of us have had nightmares in which we’ve fallen. Bernie Sanders as president was second. Kidding, mostly.Behind falling...being chased, death, being lost and being trapped round out the top five.All in there were 32 nightmares that at least five percent of us have experienced. That’s a lot of night time trauma. But those are averages of both genders. There are very specific gender differences. The top nightmare of men – a technology crisis. For women – death of a loved one. Those differences help illustrate that nightmares are a manifestation of traditional gender differences. 

So, what’s your biggest nightmare? I already told you mine. 

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