Q&A of the Day – Part 1 President Trump’s legacy

Q&A of the Day – Part 1 President Trump’s legacy

Each day I’ll feature a listener question that’s been submitted by one of these methods.

Email: brianmudd@iheartmedia.com

Parler & Twitter: @brianmuddradio

Today’s entry: Brian, something I didn’t hear you discuss yesterday in addressing President Trump’s legacy are judges. Didn’t he set records for the number of federal judges confirmed?

Bottom Line: Yesterday was a bit of a blur with President Trump’s sendoff and the inauguration ceremony for President Biden. When I was addressing President Trump’s place in history, I focused specifically on the two aspects of the Presidency which the President himself is most responsible for as Commander-In-Chief. The defense and protection of the country and the American people and by aiding in the improvement of the quality of life through economic opportunity. That’s not to diminish the importance of the president’s role in shaping the judiciary – it's just to say that at the founding of this country, the notion was that judges would be fair and impartial to the law. As we’re aware that’s an altruistic thought in theory that commonly isn’t borne out in reality with many high-profile cases. In the interest of addressing the full legacy of President Trump, I’ll revisit some of the themes from yesterday along with addressing your question regarding the bench.

President Trump time and again delivered on major agenda items. His administration featured a net de-escalation of military conflict around the world, with fewer troops deployed at the end of his administration than at the onset of it. This as his administration quickly crushed the caliphate of ISIS in the early months of his presidency - leading to the end of terror across the region and ending ISIS inspired attacks within the United States. He reached historic peace deals in the middle east with the Abraham Accords. Bahrain, Morocco, Sudan and the United Arab Emirates now recognize Israel for the first time in history. This after he recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and moved the US embassy there as well. President Trump successfully built over 400 miles of border wall, prioritizing the highest impact areas which contributed to a greater than 50% decline in illegal immigration at our Southern Border last year. He also created a new branch of the Defense Department, Space Force. As for the economy...

President Trump’s lessening of regulations, comprehensive tax reform and strategic use of tariffs along with the renegotiation of trade deals led the country to enjoy record prosperity prior to the pandemic. This included achieving 3%+ economic growth, record low unemployment rates and record high earnings for every minority group prior to the pandemic. Despite the pandemic, the S&P 500 averaged a remarkable 17% annual return during his four years as president. That’s performance which exceeds the average annual rate of return by an incredible 70% - leading to record retirement account balances. As for the pandemic...

President Trump’s early pandemic claims of having a COVID-19 vaccine available by the end of 2020 delivered. Not only did President Trump’s private-public partnership known as Operation Warp Speed deliver on his promise of a vaccine by the end of 2020, it helped produce two with more on the way. President Trump’s efforts will continue to provide opportunity and save lives well into the future. His administration delivered time and again on his promises often doing what critics said couldn’t be done. As for his performance with federal judges, I’ll address in the second part of today’s Q&A which can be found here: https://ihr.fm/35WPJ0b

Photo Credit: Getty Images

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