Top Three Takeaways – February 5th, 2021

Top Three Takeaways – February 5th, 2021

  1. Reconciliation. Super Bowl. Vaccines. Which of these topics impact you and your family the most right now? How about the least? Now, be honest...which do you know the most about? And it’s ok. We’re all human and entertainment is probably as important as it’s ever been right now given everything we’ve been enduring 11 months...Not that I’m counting. But here’s my concern. Apathy which leads to ignorance which leads to us being taken advantage of. Starting with what will have the biggest impact on your daily life. Reconciliation. We’ve become numb when we hear $1 trillion this and in the case of reconciliation $1.9 trillion that. The boiling frog effect kicks in and its all just numbers which don’t seem tangible after a while. But here’s a question you know the answer to even if you don’t have the first clue what passing legislation through the reconciliation process is or means. Is anything in life truly free? Just like the Super Bowl is a distraction from the unpleasant realities of daily life, those $1400 checks they’re waving in front of you are the shiny object in the room distracting you from the fact you’re in the process of being lied, fleeced and will be paying that $1,400 back with interest. Just as you were lied to when you were told your taxes would go higher with the Trump tax plan, that it would crush the economy and we’d lose’re being lied to in an even more sinister way by those same people. Let me explain what $1.9 trillion means in context. You’ve been told only the rich would pay higher taxes, right? Guess what the net income of the top 1% was last year. Have a number? $1.56 trillion. So, stay with me for second. Forget the concept of raising taxes on the wealthy. If you outright confiscated 100% of the earnings of the top 1% in this country, you couldn’t even cover this one piece of legislation which is being back doored through Congress using a procedural vote because not a single Republican would consider supporting something so irresponsible and unsustainable as this. And what’s worse? Not even half of the spending has anything to do with “COVID Relief”. That’s the marketing scam along with the $1,400 shinny short term object dangled in front of you to make you think this is really a free lunch. Most of what your taxes will be eventually raised to cover, because again, there’s literally not enough money earned without you paying more, is to bail out mismanaged states like California, Illinois and New York. It’s not unlike vaccines.
  2. Vaccines. There isn’t a day which goes by in which we don’t hear about how hard the Biden administration is working to get us more vaccines. But here’s the thing. Our peak day for first dose vaccines in Florida was January 22nd when more than 97 thousand first doses were made available. Incidentally, the last day Florida had a distribution which had been allocated by the Trump Administration’s Operation Warp Speed program. Know how many first doses we’ve had to administer over the past five days? 95,000. Florida has experienced a 76% decline in first dose vaccines in the two weeks we’ve received distributions under the Biden administration. But Fauci feels liberated, so we’ve got that going for us.
  3. Super Bowl. Could you have ever imagined you’d be cheering for Tom Brady? But here you are. Go Bucs!

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