Political Age Limits & Biology – Top 3 Takeaways – September 1st, 2023

Political Age Limits & Biology – Top 3 Takeaways – September 1st, 2023 

  1. A contrarian point of view. Joe Biden. Mitch McConnell. Diane Feinstein. What comes to mind? Now, if I’m being kind...probably something related to this polling question which was asked yesterday... Do you think there should be age limits for elected officials? The answer was overwhelming. 92% of Americans said yes. I mean after all just look at Joe Biden, Mitch McConnell and Diane Feinstein. They don’t exactly seem fit to be representing themselves let alone us. But then let me introduce John Fetterman into the conversation. Now, whom of that group appears to be the most capable of the bunch? I know, it’s a somewhat depressing exercise. This is clearly not our country’s finest hour, which is part of the larger point I’m about to get to. And here’s my first point. Diane Feinstein is 90. Mitch McConnell is 81. Joe Biden is 80. John Fetterman is 54. All four of these people are much like the others. Now the me to you. If I’m ranking my perceived competency of these three, and I take no joy in this exercise, I’ve got Mystery Mitch at one. Come on man at two and it’s a push, literally in the case of Feinstein, between her and Franken Fetter. Even with imposed age limits, unless you intend to cut politicians off before 54...you’d still have what is arguably the most incompetent of the group serving in the United States Senate. And my point is this. The collective problem with those four being allowed to serve in the senate and as president isn’t age... 
  2. It’s us. Now, having never voted for any of them, by us I don’t mean me, but you get the idea. I’ve never been a fan of laws being imposed to attempt to protect people from themselves which is effectively what any effort to impose age limits for elected officials would be. Let’s be very specific. Diane Feinstein is in the United States Senate because Californians voted for her to be there. Mitch McConnell is in the United States Senate because Kentuckians put him there (and he’s the Senate Minority Leader because a majority of Republican senators voted for him to be that too). Franken Fetter is likewise in the United States Senate because a majority of Pennsylvanians had a guy in a debate who started out by saying “Hi, goodnight, everybody” ...with it going downhill from there...and voted for him to represent them. And Joe Biden!? Don’t get me started. The problem isn’t that our country doesn’t have imposed age limits. It’s that it doesn’t have informed citizens. We’re the problem, not them or their ages. That sad lot is nothing more than a reflection of us. And again, you know what I mean when I say “us”. This goes hand-in-hand with something I was talking about regarding President Biden just yesterday...With a just conducted AP poll which asked the question if he’s “too old” to serve another term...77% in that poll said yes. And while that says something about President Biden, and our perception of him, it says just as much about us...or more specifically and correctly stated...Democrats. In the same poll in which 77% of people said Joe Biden is “too old” to serve a second term, including 70% of Democrats... 82% of Democrats said they’ll either probably or definitely will vote for him for president. What does it say when almost everyone agrees that Joe Biden isn’t mentally and physically fit to serve another term? What does it say when even the overwhelming majority of Democrats agree and believe that he shouldn’t even be running for president...yet almost all of them say they’ll be voting for him again? The founders weren’t dumb people. The reason they didn’t impose age limits at our country’s founding ultimately came down to a trust in us to get it right. We don’t need age limits which wouldn’t protect us from the next Fetterman anyway. We need more informed voters. Voters who care more about this country than say posting a video to TikTok at any given time. Speaking of social media and the decrepit... 
  3. Keith Olbermann sucks at life. This is widely known. Hence why he hasn’t been able to hold down a job. I did something yesterday I’d never previously done and that was to pull up Keith Olbermann on X (the platform I’m no longer disclaiming as having been Twitter...after this one). I did it when I saw that he was trending along with Riley Gaines whom I follow. I realized going in that this was likely to be the social media equivalent of rubber necking. After all, what are the odds of anything espoused by Keith Olbermann having any redeeming value – except to him. Never has there been another media figure to which the saying “a legend in his own mind” was more appropriately applied than to the pseudo-intellectual sportscaster, turned newscaster, turned political pundit, turned political pundit sportscaster, turned perpetually unemployed tool. Anyway, upon arriving on Olbermann's feed I was met with about what I would have expected. A post from the self-important fool saying this in response to a Ted Cruz post which said: What is it with liberals and wanting to control every damn aspect of your life? If they want us to drink two beers a week, frankly they can kiss my ass (a response to the Biden Administration's consideration of adopting Canada’s new alcohol consumption guidelines). Olbermann’s response...Ted! It’s a recommendation. For smart people who are concerned with their health. Not binding, not control, just advice For you? Fatassed moron with no brain cells left to kill? Keep drinking! Have two an hour! I couldn’t have guessed so specifically what Olbermann would have been ranting about at that moment in time. However, it’s uncanny how Olbermann managed to deliver on my lowest of expectations for him. Anyway. I quickly realized that I needed to check out Riley’s feed to find out what this what about and that’s when I figured out what the trending situation was about. It was a Keith Olbermann reply to a Riley Gaines post saying: Defining woman = ridiculous to state senator Megan Hunt. Remember that next election, Nebraskans. Megan Hunt is a Nebraska state senator and issued that statement in opposition to the Governor’s executive action enacting the Women’s Bill of Rights, which defines a person’s sex as male or female at birth. The Olbermann reply to Riley... Can you just address the reality and move past it? You sucked at swimming. That’s why you lost. Now it’s about at this point where, when also contrasted with what he’d most recently posted about – the Ted Cruz comment, I felt sorry for the guy. Imagine just how broken and miserable one would have to be inside to have become a professional social media troll. Social media trolls suck. Hence Keith Olbermann sucks at life...and Riley Gaines was the most talented woman swimming collegiately.  

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