President Biden Gender Identifies, Congress Returns & House Oversight

Biden Gender Identifies, Congress Returns & House Oversight – Top 3 Takeaways – September 5th, 2023 

  1. Joe Biden was gender identifying before it was cool. Pharrell was Happy. Iggy was Fancy. Meghan Trainor was All About That Bass. And Robin Ware was Vice President of the United States. The year was 2014, when the homosexual alphabet included just four letters, men pretending to be women weren’t yet competing in women's sports, and fat men with erections weren’t in sororities. Who knew ‘Ole Joe, or should I say Robin, was so ahead of his, err her time. It was James Stockdale (Ross Perot’s running mate in 1992) who first brought the question of “who am I, why am I here”? to Vice Presidential Politics. And it’s Joe Biden’s seeming bewilderment which regularly brings the thought to the presidency these days as well (with a hat tip to Mitch McConnell, Diane Feinstein and John Fetterman for their similar work in the senate). But maybe we’ve had it all wrong with ‘Ole Joe. Maybe he isn’t prone to senior moments on the regular and maybe some of his stories are actually true. Maybe he’s just been gender identifying for so long, that his effort to suppress his true self publicly, is taking its toll. And maybe that’s why Joe Biden’s other email pseudonyms as Vice President included male names, Robert Peters and JRB Ware (Robin’s better half, or perhaps bastard son who’s been rejected by the family). We’ve heard how hard is it for the LGBTQIA’*+ community to suppress their true selves. Joe Biden aka Robin Ware, is clearly a cautionary tale. And importantly, it’s Joe Biden’s publicly suppressed true self that explains so much. Like why for example, he felt it appropriate to shower with his daughter. Or to email with his son Hunter as Vice President under his gender fluid names and identities. What kind of cruel person would look at Joe Biden’s 5,138 emails, 200 pages of responsive records and 25 electronic files sent while Vice President under his “true self” at any given time, with a critical eye. Hasn’t the poor man suffered enough? So, yeah. That’s kind of where we are. Either Joe Biden as Vice President was gender identifying, alongside a case of multiple personality disorder, or... 
  2. The current President of the United States is corrupt as hell and has endlessly lied about his ties to Hunter Biden’s business dealings and his role in them. I report, you decide. Of course, my semi-tongue in cheek prologue is a result of the drip, drip, dripping of new revelations which have emerged recently with the Biden Crime Family. Revelations that included America First Legal suing the National Archives and Records Administration seeking Joe Biden’s vice presidential records as sent under the three email alias’ and This was following the government’s failure to fully comply with public records requests for the information dating back to June of 2022 while originally confirming the existence of these documents as the National Archives first stated June 24th of 2022... We have performed a search of our collection for Vice Presidential records related to your request and have identified approximately 5,138 email messages, 25 electronic files and 200 pages of potentially responsive records that must be processed in order to respond to your request. And while someone within the Biden Administration must have quickly caught wind that the AFL was on to them last year and began stonewalling... What’s emerged are Hunter Biden laptop emails with communications with Robin, Robert and JRB. Specifically, there’s this email chain between Robin Ware and Hunter Biden on June 23rd of 2014. Hunter sent the message... Before you fill position pls talk to me----- J. McGrail very much wants to serve as detail fr treasury. The response from Robin Ware. Re Johnny call me right away Dad. Well, it just so happened that J. McGrail is John McGrail, who was Hunter Biden’s attorney. And it just so happened that just two months after that email was sent, he was made Vice President Biden’s deputy counsel. That Robin Ware really knows how to get things done, doesn’t she! Related... John McGrail just so now happens to be serving within the Biden Administration...surprise, surprise. He’s counsel within the Treasury Department. As an aside...makes you feel good about who’s minding the store with the country’s money supply, doesn’t it? Anyway, it was on Wednesday that the AFL dropped over 1,000 emails that included communication between Hunter Biden’s business and the Office of the Vice President. Emails, btw, which corroborate much of Devin Archer’s recent testimony to the House Oversight Committee which included the acknowledgement that then Vice President Biden was present, either in person or on the phone, at least 20 times with Hunter’s business associates. Those were the ones which the National Archives did eventually provide in response to the records request. Far more interesting... Not just what wasn’t released in response to the public records request, but the reason why all of the records weren’t released. President Biden has blocked the release citing executive privilege. The use of executive privilege to block access from alias emails from a decade ago when Joe Biden was vice president, is proof positive that he has a lot to hide in regards to his dealings with his son’s business interests which are in turn are the interests of our enemies around the world. But while the lawsuit in the Biden administration's stonewalling will take time...  
  3. The House Oversight Committee holds the key. As Congress returns from its August recess next week, it’s once again team Comer which holds the key. Public records requests are one thing. Subpoena power is another. And Comer’s Oversight Committee holds subpoena power to obtain those records. And while Congress was in recess, Comer wasn’t. On August 17th he made the request for those records. The most important work that will continue to be done when Congress gets back to work, will continue to be with what happens in the House Oversight Committee. The walls, however, slowly it may be, continue to close in on the Biden, aka Ware, aka Peters Crime Family. And who knew that Hillary Clinton’s illegal email operation while Secretary of State may have only been the second most interesting illegal email operation under the Obama Administration? And who wants to place bets on what the Big O’s alter ego is called? 

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