Trump’s Ballot Access & The “Democratic Party” Marketing Scam

Trump’s Ballot Access & The “Democratic Party” Marketing Scam - Top 3 Takeaways – January 8th, 2024 

  1. Outrageous but necessary. The United States Supreme Court’s decision to take up the Trump-Colorado ballot access case, following the Colorado Supreme Court’s decision to remove him from state ballots, is most certainly outrageous but necessary. It was outrageous when the Colorado Supreme Court ruled, without due process, that Donald Trump was guilty of insurrection – a crime which, despite four pending criminal cases against him, and with a total of 91 outstating charges against him, Donald Trump’s not even alleged to have engaged in. There is nothing more anti-American or anti-Democratic than a court finding a person guilty of something he’s never been charged with doing. It’s also outrageous that the Constitutional Amendment cited by the Colorado Supreme Court to attempt to justify their anti-American, and anti-Democratic decision, quite literally doesn’t allow for any other body outside of Congress, through the impeachment process, to do such a thing. It’s that much more outrageous that Donald Trump was tried under the impeachment process for insurrection, as is constitutionally prescribed, and was acquitted. Leftists are quick to attempt to say that democracy is on the line this election cycle. President Biden’s first campaign ad and initial campaign messaging is squarely centered on the topic of the threat to democracy. And I could travel down the path of explaining that the United States of America isn’t a democracy – it’s a Representative Republic (and that no democracy exists anywhere in the world – or ever and attempted democracy that had any staying power), but I’ll instead embrace the false premise in this instance because the facts remain as I’ve stated. Colorado’s anti-democratic efforts, which have been backed by the Democrat Party and its operatives, are so outrageous, that upon the news Friday that the Supreme Court was taking up the Colorado ballot access case, over half of the country, 27 states including Florida, filed an amicus brief in support of Trump – asking the Supreme Court to overrule the Colorado decision warning of chaos otherwise. Quoting the brief signed onto by Florida AG Ashley Moody: For elections to be fair, voters need a single, certain answer as to whether someone is ineligible for President under Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment. If left to the courts of 50 states,’ litigation over a candidate’s eligibility for President will result in ‘conflicting rulings and delayed transition of power in derogation of statutory and constitutional deadlines. The court purported to decide what events might constitute an ‘insurrection’ even though the definition rests on a series of purely political judgments — not legal ones. To make matters worse, the Colorado courts decided ‘complicated’ constitutional questions through a truncated state process that denied former President Trump any opportunity for ‘basic discovery, the ability to subpoena documents and compel witnesses, workable timeframes to adequately investigate and develop defenses, and the opportunity for a fair trial. Bingo. An anti-democratic process carried out by the anti-Democratic Party. One that I do fully expect the Supreme Court will overturn. The question will be how quickly and how decisively. This isn’t a ruling which should come down to perceived partisan lines. This should be and hopefully will be a unanimous decision when rendered – though that’s certainly not guaranteed. But about the anti-Democratic party... 
  2. The Democratic marketing scam. As President Reagan said: Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free. That’s fundamentally what the Colorado case (and the other related challenges brought in other states) to remove Donald Trump from ballots, is about. It’s bigger than Trump. It’s our fundamental rights as Americans and founding principles in this country that are at stake. Many correctly wondered what the left might do in 2024, after the successful 2020 shenanigans to use COVID as an excuse to do an end around election integrity laws in many states. Well, it doesn’t get any bigger than this. As I’ve discussed, the so called “Democratic Party” is proving itself to be anything but “Democratic”, not that this is anything new. As an example, just ask Bernie Sanders about how the Democrat Party rigged the primary process against him in 2016 and 2020. But what’s also instructive in the context of this conversation is the marketing scam that has always been in play for Democrats. Democrats have historically relied on raking in new generations of what the late-great Rush Limbaugh coined “low information voters”. Voters that think that joining the Democratic Party and voting for Democrats in elections means they’re supporting “democracy”, in lieu of the totalitarians they’ve commonly been supporting. They often might believe they’re liberal, and thus they’re supporting freedom, by supporting liberals, without realizing that the Democrat Party is as about far from classical liberalism as there is. For anyone who doubts that btw, compare what happened on the Berkley campus in the 60’s to what’s allowed to happen on Berkely’s campus today. That’s commonly been the case for young “low information voters” coming of age in this country but it’s not the only example...In recent generations Democrats have also commonly been highly successful at recruiting legal immigrants into this country and commonly first-generation Americans as well. Legal immigrants and their children who’ve often fled oppressive governments seeking freedom and a say in a system of government. Without greater context for the political parties in this country, it’s been easy for Democrats to present their party as the one that supports those principals because it’s in the name. But increasingly, what they’ve shown in their effort to “get Trump”... 
  3. Is how anti-democratic they really are to even the “low-information voters”. You’ve increasingly been hearing about how Republicans have, and most commonly Donald Trump specifically has, been making inroads with legal immigrants and their families. But it’s also been happening with voters just coming of age.  As the anti-Democratic Party is involved in a full-court press to deny Americans of the democratic process of electing a president of their choosing, we’re seeing increasingly large numbers of once low information voters open their eyes to the realities of what they’ve been voting for. Joe Biden’s current approval rating with Hispanics/Latinos...38% approval to 50% disapproval. Biden’s approval rating with voters between the ages of 18-34...27% approval to 57% disapproval. And it’s not just that they’re increasingly clear that Joe Biden isn’t the answer they’ve been looking for, it’s that they’re increasingly aware that Donald Trump is. In the latest Fox News polling, voters under 30 are supporting Trump over Biden in a hypothetical rematch by 13-points. That’s a 36% swing from just over three years ago and USA Today/Suffolk polling last week likewise showed something similar. It’s unheard of in modern American politics for any potential Republican presidential candidate to show leads with young voters and it’s that much more dramatic when we’re talking about a greater than 30-point shift in voting behavior for any group from one election to the next. The Democratic Party is a marketing scam. It always has been. The better news is that increasingly people who’ve been light on information are becoming wiser, quicker, than we’ve ever seen in the polling age. The more that the left attempts to take out Trump, the more that this trend appears to grow. And that’s the silver lining in this. As it turns out many one-time Democrats actually do want a Democratic process to play out. Imagine that. 

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